Virtual Object Controller
Recently I've been trying to learn a bit of Python and decided to build a project for fun.
This project has a simple objective: To control a virtual object using a set of potentiometers.
By Connecting a set of potentiometers to an Arduino, this gave me the ability to manipulate two variables. I decided to manipulate the x-axis and the y-axis of a virtual box in Python.
The Arduino's circuit is simple. It has 2 potentiometers and 2 LEDS which will have different light intensities based on how much the potentiometer is being turned.
Here goes my attempt at explaining how the code works. *takes a deep breath*
Let's take a look at the Arduino's code:
The parts with the //(comment) is the explanation
//Moving a virtual object using potentiometers
int ledx = 5; //Variables for LED pins
int ledy = 6;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.begin (9600); //Initialize serial communication
pinMode(ledx, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledy, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
int potx = analogRead(A0); //declaring some variables to hold the int poty = analogRead(A1); potentiometer reading
int xval = map(potx, 0, 1023, 0, 50); //Here I am mapping the x-axis potentiometer
int yval = map(poty, 0, 1023, 51, 101); from 0-1023 to 0-50. Smaller numbers will
int xled = map(potx, 0, 1023, 0, 255); help me manage the programming easier.
int yled = map(poty, 0, 1023, 0, 255); Y-axis potentiometer is mapped to 51-101
because they need separate values to
//0-50 is the range of values for x axis differentiate x and y axis. I'm also mapping
//51-100 is the range of values for y axis the pot values to 0-255 for PWM for LEDS
//Varying light intesities based on the degree of movement of the x and y axis. (based on the potentiometer)
analogWrite(ledx, xled);
analogWrite(ledy, yled);
//Sending the potentiometer values to Python
Serial.println(xval); //Sending the values one by one to Python in
delay(10); the form of string.
Now let's take a look at the Python side of the program: (# are for comments)
import serial #Importing the necessary libraries for the code to work
from visual import *
arduinoSerialData = serial.Serial('com6', 9600) #Setting up serial communication, take note of
com port and baud rate (same with Arduino)
virtualObject = box(color =, length = 3, width = 3, height = 3, pos = (0,0,0))
#Declaring an object to set up the shape. In my case, I'm using a box, the values in the brackets are
the parameters for the box. The 'pos' value is what we need to change dynamically, (x,y,z) axis. We don't have to bother with the Z axis in this case.
y = 0 #Declaring the variable used to change the Y-axis, not sure why only y is needed, but the
code does not work without this.
while (1==1): #Run everything in a loop
rate(200) #How fast it runs (tried 20, doesn't work too well)
if (arduinoSerialData.inWaiting()>0): #Check to see whether there's data
value = arduinoSerialData.readline() #Write the data in a variable called value
data = int(value) #Convert the string format data into an integer
if (data < 51): #If the potentiometer reading is less than 51, the value received is
x = data for the X-axis. Write the value into a variable called x.
if (data > 50): #If the potentiometer reading is more than 51, the value received is
y = data - 51 for the Y-axis. Write the value into a variable called y. Minus the
value with 51 so that it starts from (0,0).
virtualObject.pos = (-30 + x,-30 + y, 0) #This is in charge of drawing the box itself. Notice
the variables in the position. This will enable updating of the x and y coordinates. I also start with
(-30,-30) so that there's more space for the box to
move around.
Don't copy and paste the program from here. It might get messy. Instead, download it from my Google Drive folder.